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Two-way dual language

Teacher showing students English and Spanish alphabet

Our Two-Way Dual Language Immersion program is open to students of families who would like to learn Spanish and who speak a language other than Spanish at home.

Nuestro programa de lenguaje dual bidireccional está abierto a estudiantes de familias que deseen aprender español y que hablen un idioma en casa que no sea español. 

Parents: Incoming 2024-25 Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students who speak English at home may be eligible to participate in our innovative and growing Two-Way Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Program in each of our elementary schools!

Space for Spanish Learners in the Two-Way DLI Program is very limited, subject to change year by year, and campus by campus because the legal priority of Del Valle ISD's DLI Program is to serve our Emergent Bilingual students who are learning English.

Del Valle ISD believes in: Bilingualism, Bi-literacy, and Biculturalism

Del Valle ISD is committed to: An Additive Dual Language Approach

The Purpose of Del Valle ISD’s Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Program is to: By fifth grade, every Emergent Bilingual participating in the DLI Program, will perform at a Meets or Masters level in their Heritage Language (L1) and at an Advanced or Advanced High level in their second language (L2).

The DLI Program Model of Del Valle ISD includes: a 50/50 Language and Content Allocation Framework with One-Way Classrooms (consisting of Emergent Bilinguals learning English) and Two-Way Classrooms (consisting of Emergent Bilinguals learning English and Spanish Learners).


Enrollment Process

Eligibility Process for the 2024-2025 year:

There is a process for eligibility in the Two-Way DLI Program in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Interested parents or guardians must:

1. Complete Del Valle ISD's student registration process in advance.

2. Complete the interest form HERE.

  • PLEASE NOTE: This form DOES NOT guarantee program acceptance. Parents must attend the required parent meeting and complete the required contract provided at the required parent meetings.

3. Attend one of the required parent meetings. Please see dates and locations:

  • April 22 at Newton Collins Elementary, 5-6 p.m.
  • April 23 at Gilbert Elementary, 5-6 p.m.
  • April 24 at Smith Elementary, 5-6 p.m.
  • April 25 at Del Valle Elementary, 5-6 p.m.
  1. Submit an online application that will be provided at the required parent meeting.

Eligibility Considerations for 2024-25

Students must attend the campus they are zoned for and transfer requests to another elementary school are not available. 

Siblings of students who are already participating in the Two-Way DLI Program are given priority and must still complete the eligibility process. Parents of siblings interested in the program must attend the required parent meeting and submit a contract for the new student.

Email if you have any questions.