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Energy Management

Recording and Reporting of Electricity, Water, and Natural Gas Consumption

Texas Government Code Chapter 2264.  Required Publication and Reporting By Governmental Entities, requires that school districts record the metered amount of electricity, water, or natural gas consumed and report the recorded information.  Below is the current DVISD Utility Usage and Cost Report.  A copy of the 2011/2012 through 2013/2014 Utility Report is also available.

Current Utility Report

2019-2021 Utility Report

2017-2019 Utility Report

2015-2017 Utility Report


Texas Education Code § 44.902 requires the board of trustees of a school district to establish a goal to reduce the school district’s annual electric consumption by five percent each state fiscal year for six years beginning September 1, 2007.

Recording and Reporting of Electricity, Water, and Natural Gas Consumption

Texas Government Code Chapter 2264.  Required Publication and Reporting By Governmental Entities requires that school districts record the metered amount of electricity, water, or natural gas consumed and report the recorded information.  Del Valle ISD reviews and records the utility usage for each campus and facility every month.