eRate Compliance
Federal Mandate:
As a result of a federal mandate, school districts have to certify that their students have been educated about CyberSafety and Digital Citizenship. Specifically, the mandate made by the federal government in its requirements for public school districts to receive eRate funding–is for students to learn about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and cyberbullying awareness. This new requirement became effective July 1, 2012.
In order to prepare staff to teach students about such topics, Del Valle ISD has created an online professional learning opportunity for all professional educators. Additionally, Digital Citizenship and Communication/Collaboration are important performance indicators in the state mandated Technology Applications TEKS (TA:TEKS), No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) National Education Technology Standards for Students, Teachers, and Administrators.
To meet the eRate requirements necessary, the Technology Department has 1) updated the District’s CyberSafety website which incorporates rich lessons for both teachers and students; 2) updated the District’s Acceptable Use Policy (now Responsible Use Technology Agreement (RUTA); and 3) created online professional learning for staff.
District Standards:
The Del Valle Independent School District is committed to ensuring the online safety of our employees and students while also adhering to federal, local, and state regulations (e.g. CQ (LEGAL) requires District’s to implement an internet safety policy in order to participate in the E-rate program). We are responsible for educating our students to be safe, legal and responsible while online in a way that encourages a positive attitude while supporting 21st-century skills of collaboration, lifelong learning, and productivity.
CIPA Compliance:
The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is a federal law enacted by Congress to address concerns about access to offensive content over the Internet on school and library computers. CIPA imposes certain types of requirements on any school or library that receives funding for Internet access or internal connections from the eRate program – a program that makes certain communications technology more affordable for eligible schools and libraries.