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Del Valle ISD Police Department
Del Valle ISD Police Department group photo

As the district’s police department, we will support and mentor students by using Restorative Justice practices, comfortable approachability, and social-emotional learning, to build positive relationships where students and staff feel safe on every campus. The department aligns with district policies and procedures while providing the highest level of safety at all campuses.

The department successfully completed the State of Texas mandatory TCOLE training. Officer training includes Social Justice, SEL (restorative circles), working with special education students, active shooter training, stop the bleed, power of mentoring, bullying (David’s Law).

The department has been operational since the start of the 2020-21 school year, after the the Board of Trustees approved its creation on February 18, 2020.

Contact Us

DVISD Police Department
5301 Ross Road
Del Valle, TX 78617