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Work Order & Facility Scheduling Process and Information

Only authorized users that have been approved by their campus principal/director can submit work orders. If this is an emergency regarding electrical, plumbing, gas, fire or building related emergencies contact 512-386-3130 or 512-386-3131.

It is vital that the work orders entered follow the process set-up. It is difficult to provide service when work orders are not clear or when the work orders relate to different departments – C&P / TECH / M&F. Within the SchoolDude system there are two functions that impact campuses and staff: Facility Schedule Direct (FS Direct) Maintenance Direct (MD Direct) Please review the differences between the functions and the role each has for the providing service.

 Maintenance Direct Need some work done in your office or classroom? CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WORK REQUEST FORM which staff can use when reporting an issue; this can be used internally given to the requester assigned at your campus to enter work requests.

  • Upon a request for service the assigned requester should evaluate and confirm the request, often the conveyed urgency from the impacted staff is different than the actual urgency of the concern – example: an insect infestation could be 3 insects crawling on a counter, or a major leak could be a drip – it is vital that the staff member entering the work order reviews the request and determines the level of urgency.
    •      LEVEL 1 – 4-6 HOUR RESPONSE TIME This would be a shattered window, broken and actively spraying water issue, playground safety, electrical outage in areas of the facility, dangerous animal in the educational setting…HVAC outage, lockouts of building or similar concern levels.
    •      LEVEL 2 – UP TO A 48 HOUR RESPONSE TIME This type of request would include common pests, drips, or minor leaks, ceiling tile stains, railings, HVAC concerns, lost or broken keys and similar concerns.
    •      LEVEL 3 – RESPONSE TO WORK REQUEST WITHIN 96 HRS these request relate to changes in areas, request for improvements, space issues, and painting, ceiling tiles, chair replacement, landscaping, key requests, swipe card access…and similar items.
  • There are items that custodial staff can take care to an extent, such as lights, ceiling tiles, clogged toilets, and spills. Work order is not required for these issues, administrative staff should get a detailed list together of location of these issues to give to custodial staff. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WORK ORDER DUTIES document for further information.
  • Products ordered by the campus as additional items to the campus should include the assembly costs associated with the products.
  • Be detailed very detailed when entering a work request, as if you were to communicate this directly to a contractor or technician. What the issue is, why it is needed, where in the area specified it is located.
    • Example: South Exterior door Near Room 124; Exterior door (farthest from swipe pad) does not latch on its own.

 Facility Schedule Direct This application provides the ability to request services for events on DVISD property outside the normally scheduled educational day.  FS Direct must be used when any function is proposed to be hosted by any DVISD facility, field, or property maintained by DVISD. All events/meetings that happen outside of the normally scheduled educational schedule will need to be entered.

  • When entering an event request- determine: When (date, time), Where (area, room), Purpose (campus or district initiative), Services needed (custodial, HVAC, grounds, etc.).
  • Custodial services are required for ALL weekend events will need to provide budget code for overtime pay. Services will not be provided on Sunday.
  • Custodial services will be required for any event that results in the modification of the normally scheduled custodial duties may result in a request for overtime to provide service weekday after hours events. EX. Setups, food cleanup, trash pickup. 
  • Requests for M&F staff support that is outside the scope of the normally scheduled M&F duties will require overtime pay for staff selected to provide support for requested events 
  • Before entering a request, check schedule to ensure there will be no conflict with student activity or education.

 CAMPUS REQUESTER In order to start submitting work orders you must complete the required training. Upon completion of the training please email and you will be provided access information to enter work orders. Get started: CLICK HERE FOR A QUICK VIEW OF THE WORK ORDER REQUEST PROCESS which must be followed to provide service to the requesting campus. All documents and additional information can be found on the main DVISD M&F Webpage