Title I, Part A
Title I, Part A provides supplemental resources to local educational agencies (LEAs) to help schools with high concentrations of students from low-income families provide high-quality education that will enable all children to meet the state student performance standards. The intended program beneficiaries are students who experience difficulties mastering the state academic achievement standards. Title I, Part A funds are to be expended for programs, activities, and strategies that are scientifically based on research and meet needs (identified in the campus’ comprehensive needs assessment process) that are listed in the Campus Improvement Plan. For Title I Schoolwide campuses, Title I, Part A funds can be used for activities that are part of the Campus Improvement Plan to improve student performance and upgrade the entire educational program. In a schoolwide program (SWP), the amount of Title I, Part A funding on the campus must be supplemental.
District reservation fiscal amounts to be used at Title I Schoolwide campuses include parent involvement activities to encourage academic achievement, Title I, Part A services to eligible private school students, district-wide professional development activities, and services to homeless students attending campuses not served by Title I, Part A.
The 10 components of a Title I Schoolwide Program include:
- The campus will conduct a comprehensive needs assessment.
- The campus will utilize scientifically research based schoolwide reform strategies.
- The campus will provide instruction by highly qualified teachers and professional staff.
- The campus will provide high quality and ongoing professional development for principals, teachers, and paraprofessionals.
- The campus will utilize strategies to attract and retain highly effective teachers.
- The campus will plan activities to increase parental involvement.
- Elementary campuses will provide transition from early childhood programs such as Head Start, Even Start, Pre-Kindergarten, etc. to local elementary schools.
- The campus provides measures to include teachers in the decision regarding use, selection, and development of assessments.
- The campus will provide effective strategies that support students who experience difficulty mastering standards set by the state.
- The campus will coordinate and integrate federal, state, and local services and programs.