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Advanced Academics

Gifted and Talented (GT)

The Del Valle ISD gifted/talented program is dedicated to providing quality instruction and support to ensure that all students reach their full potential both academically and socially.


Del Valle ISD is beginning the Fall 2024 referral/nomination process for Gifted/Talented (G/T) services. We are committed to providing challenging learning experiences for students with exceptional intellectual and creative thinking abilities. 

Referrals/nominations are being accepted now through Friday, November 15.  If you are aware of a DVISD student in any grade that is performing well above grade level or demonstrating exceptional strengths or talents, please complete the referral/nomination form linked below. 

GT Nomination Form

Listed below are some differences to help you distinguish between a smart child and a gifted learner (Janice Szabos, Challenge). The list below does not describe all the traits and attitudes of gifted children, as all children are diverse in their characteristics; however, it is a good reference for distinguishing characteristics.



Smart Child

Gifted Learners

Questioning Style

Asks questions that have answers

Asks questions about abstract ideas, concepts and theories

Learning Speed and Application of Concepts

Learn step by step

Jumps from 2 to 10

Emotional Outlook

Get past an upsetting incident fairly easily

Experiences heightened, sometimes all-consuming emotions

Level of Interest

Asks questions and are curious about many things

Shows intense curiosity about nearly everything and immerse themselves in areas of interest

Language Ability

Learn new vocab easily and choose words typical for their age

Extensive and advanced vocab and understand nuances, wordplay and puns.

Parenting the gifted child

Required Documents

Dual Credit Program Agreement