Hornsby Dunlap Elementary School Demolition and Rebuild: Replace one of the district’s oldest campuses. Contingent on a feasibility study and permitting agency approvals, a new school will be built on the same site during ongoing operations at the existing school without relocating students.
Smith Elementary School Demolition and Rebuild: Replace one of the district’s oldest campuses. Contingent on a feasibility study and permitting agency approvals, a new school will be built on the same site during ongoing operations at the existing school without relocating students. (Funds previously approved for a new elementary school in the 2014 bond, which were not spent, will be utilized to support the total cost for this school at $38,870,000)
Del Valle Middle School Demolition and Rebuild: Replace the oldest middle school campus in the district. Contingent on a feasibility study and permitting agency approvals, a new school will be built on the same site during ongoing operations at the existing school without relocating students.
Child Development Centers: Build up to 3 new early childhood learning centers, including one at the high school site and other sites as determined by the board of trustees.
New Early College High School & P-Tech