Del Valle ISD and each campus use multiple communication strategies to communicate both internally with staff and externally with parents and the community. The tools for communication are outlined below.
We are excited to announce that we adopted a new form of school-to-home communication at Del Valle ISD called ParentSquare. This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with DVISD campuses and the district. It provides a safe way for district administrators, school principals, teachers, staff, and parents to:
All district and school, grade level and classroom information will now be sent to your computer or phone via email and/or text. The phone numbers and e-mails we use to notify parents come from parent/guardian data that is collected from the District’s Skyward Family Access program. Contact data is collected at the start of each school year via student enrollment and re-enrollment. In order to receive important messages from the District it is imperative that contact information is updated as it is changed. For even more convenience, download the ParentSquare app (available for free for iOS and Android devices).
Have questions? Click the question mark in the top right corner of the desktop version or the Help tab on the app (tap the triple bar icon at the top left) to find answers to most of your questions.
Estimadas familias:
Nos complace anunciar que adoptamos una nueva forma de comunicación entre la escuela y el hogar en Del Valle ISD llamada ParentSquare. Esta plataforma de comunicaciones unificadas está diseñada para mantener informados a los padres y tutores y fomentar una mayor participación y conexión con escuelas de DVISD y distrito. Proporciona una forma segura para que los administradores del distrito, los directores de escuela, los maestros, el personal y los padres:
Envíe y reciba información de la escuela y la clase.
Toda la información del distrito y la escuela, el nivel de grado y el aula ahora se enviará a su computadora o teléfono por correo electrónico y / o mensaje de texto. Los números de teléfono y los correos electrónicos que usamos para notificar a los padres provienen de los datos de los padres/tutores que se recopilan del programa Skyward Family Access del Distrito. Los datos de contacto se recopilan al comienzo de cada año escolar a través de la inscripción y reinscripción de estudiantes. Para recibir mensajes importantes del Distrito, es imperativo que la información de contacto se actualice a medida que cambia. Para mayor comodidad, descargue la aplicación ParentSquare (disponible de forma gratuita para dispositivos iOS y Android).
Tiene preguntas? Haga clic en el signo de interrogación en la esquina superior derecha de la versión de escritorio o en la Ayuda pestaña de la aplicación (toque el icono de la barra triple en la parte superior izquierda) para encontrar respuestas a la mayoría de sus preguntas.
We frequently use Twitter to send out public reminders, updates, important news, and announcements. You do not have to have a Twitter account to see the information the district posts to Twitter. Our Twitter account can be accessed by visiting the district or campus websites or by visiting Our Twitter handle is @DelValleISD.
Each campus also operates their own Twitter that can be found on all campus websites.
The district's Facebook page displays public reminders, updates, important news, and points of pride. Follow the Del Valle ISD Facebook page at
Each campus also has their own Facebook page that can be found on all campus websites.
DVISD's Instagram shares updates and photos from district news and events. The DVISD Instagram can be located at @del_valle_isd
Weather Updates
Any decisions to delay or cancel classes are made using information from the National Weather Service and local emergency management officials. A team of District leaders evaluates all available weather information to make a determination about cancellation or delays. The District makes every effort to determine a cancellation or delay the night before, if possible, however weather is unpredictable, and there may be circumstances where a decision is not made until the early morning hours.
Anytime there are changes to the regular schedule, the District will communicate with all families and staff via the following:
Automated phone call
Text message
Social media (Facebook, X, Instagram)
Local news media
Parents are always encouraged to keep their contact information updated in Skyward Family Access.