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Child Nutrition

Del Valle ISD Child Nutrition Services participates in the School Breakfast Program, National School Lunch Program, Dinner Program, Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) and Seamless Summer Feeding Program. These programs are intended to provide nutritious meals to children. They contribute to a better understanding of good nutrition and better eating habits. Research shows that students who are well nourished perform better in school. Federal reimbursements are received for meals served to students that meet the following requirements. To access information about menus, payments and job opportunities, please click on the corresponding buttons below.

Free Meals for Students Through the 2024-2025 School Year

Del Valle ISD is now fully on the Community Eligibility Program (CEP). This means we will be able to provide all free Breakfast and Lunch meals to DVISD enrolled students.

Del Valle ISD student meals are free for all students without collecting household meal benefit applications. A Socioeconomic Form is needed in place of the Meal application, this can be found on the family portal page for new and returning students in Del Valle ISD.

Department Directory
Child Nutrition
4801 Ross Rd
Del Valle, TX 78617
P: 512-386-3076
F: 512-386-3100